20 December 2024
  The breaststroke kick might remind you of a frog swimming. You know how their legs move wide and then snap back together? That’s almost how the breaststroke works too. It
26 November 2023
Many parents wonder when the right time is to start their children's swimming lessons. The answer is simple: the earlier, the better. Early swimming lessons offer numerous benefits for children
17 February 2023
Introduction Swimming is a crucial life skill that can have a positive impact on a child's physical and mental development. Not only does it promote physical fitness, but it can
12 February 2023
Introduction Kicking in the water might look easy, but after years of teaching, I’ve seen firsthand how often swimmers struggle with it. What seems like a basic movement can quickly

Please note that the information provided on this blog is for educational purposes only. While we strive to offer accurate and reliable content, always consult with a certified swim instructor or healthcare professional for personalized advice and guidance.

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